Car filth kills

Car filth kills


YouGov, whom I rather like, had a blog posting Londoners support a monthly car-free day Sadly, this comment did not get through their moderation.

(1) Cars kill the planet:
4 tonnes CO2 per year and 5 tonnes to make one. The UK Climate bill aims to get us to average 2 tonnes a year.

(2) Car filth kills:
Air pollution to blame for 60,000 early deaths per year, Government to be warned

(3) We need Green Ghettos with hardly any cars to save the world and avoid the filth. See The parable of the smoking carriages

Postscript: York polluted by traffic – This kills

York has a pleasant city centre but some of it badly polluted by traffic fumes and York Council has been accused of hiding the problem. Following a Freedom of Information request by former councillor Dave Merrett, York Press reported

[Dave Merrett] said the authority’s own air quality team said in an email to sustainable transport officers: “We not only need all six P&R routes to be fully electric, but most of the other regular bus routes as well, if we are to stand any chance of meeting the air quality objectives in the near future.”

York Press also reported an estimate of 100 deaths a year

An estimated 100 people a year die in York because of air pollution, and councillors and campaigners spoke this week about the damage that could be done if low emission buses are not brought in.

See also


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